It is hard at first, to switch away from the common necessities you think you need.
I often wonder and doubt myself. Can I really make any sort of change? Can I learn more and help educate others? I want to know everything I can so I can bite back at anyone that questions my abilities and knowledge / way of life. I was trying to explain to people about plastics and the fact i haven’t bought a plastic bottle in a very long time, never use plastic bags, or reuse whatever i can. My parents are very good as well. But my way of living, travelling, what I enjoy, can counter act my arguments to save the world. Someone replied to me and said "well surely the amount you travel is worse than me buying a plastic bottle". I knew that from their perspective, they had a very valid point. I was stumped. I wanted to know the facts about air pollution and the relative effects it has compared to the plastic levels in water, pollution it creates produce, and everything else. But I couldn’t, proving how important education is. I just said, "I want to do my bit, so that’s what I’m doing. Im learning as I go".
Would I have become the person I am today, have seen what i’ve seen, have learned what I’ve learned and now want to save the planet best I can? Everything is relative, and you can do everything better. Every day is a new challenge to change behaviours and learn.
I never think or say I am perfect, do not let others discourage you from the changes you want to make. Love Bx